Saturday, June 25, 2011


Im trying to keep my blog updated as how i use to update it.. but it feel rather weird to do so.. because all of a sudden im like "How do u keep updating your blog again??" *scratcher head*. I absolutely feel like one of those who have a blog for fun and not actualy utilise it to the fullest! but i ofcourse i dont.. i want to update it..but...

Just like the other day.. i was typing something into my blog before ganesan and kesh came knocking on my window.. then i proceeded to talk to them.. we were talking  for like 20mins and then i sat down back to continue typing only to not remember what i wanted to talk about in the 1st.. so the post is left hanging.. to be honest i have a few other post which are like that too.. =/

Anyways.. as to keeping an "updated blog"..  My dear friend and Pastor Nicky Ling will be leaving us to pursue his Masters in Theology. He'll be going to very far away Singapore.. =_(  We were pretty bummed up about it when he suddenly dropped the "bomb" on us.. even worst news came when we knew the landlord of the building our church is renting wants to retake the building.. =(

Of course we didnt want pastor to leave.. of course we didnt want the church to close.. of course we prayed.. Apparently.. the MAN up there has a different plan for us.. and as time passed we learnt to accept it.. We will be attending Church Of Praise, Kampar starting July.. our new Home..

Kinda felt like an outsider when we or may when i first went.. but i guess.. we will get use to it.. and I so freaking love the pastor there.. Pastor Elijah.. to hear his powerful message..its truly mind blowing..!!

Moving on, we are going to have a farewell party for Pastor Nicky this coming Sunday. ^^ We are going to have a potluck.. we designed our own piece of scrap for his scrapbook.. and there will be a video presentation(im incharge if this =)... hope to do a mind blowing one ^^ )  and also we are going to perform two songs! "Count On Me" by Bruno darling.. and "Kenangan Terindah" by Samson.

I just hope he tears up! haha.. ow.. i just realised.. tomoro is Sunday! so its not this coming Sunday anymore..!! Okay got to chaw!! have a great idea for the video.. !!

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