Tuesday, September 7, 2010

tragic monday.. miraculous tuesday

I was suppose to blog this last tuesday.. but completely forgot about it. So just assume today is last tuesday and just hear me out alright?? i mean see me write out alright?? =p

Well, as you all know .. Im in Kampar now right.. main transport is our bicycle in which most of us would consider to take care with our lives!! no bicycle.. no life! uuukay... maybe not to that extent.. hehe.. anyways its assential to have a bicycle here la..

Well anyways.. Kampar has recently increased in its bicycle stealing bisness.. yes u herd me.. bicycle STEALING.. people actuly steal your bicycle wey.. no kidding..vani lost hers in campus a few weeks back ..poor thing.. =/ and here was I .. not locking my beautiful black ROCKY bicycle.. but seriusly God taught me a lesson..
This was on Monday:
It was study break and I rarely went out.. so yea.. decided to go dinner with the gang..
as usual no locking the bicycle.. but my ride is usually waiting for me to take it go jalan-jalan.. but shockingly it wasnt there this time!! I was scared.. i didnt know what to do.. my mum always told me.. "lock your cycle ..lock your" but no.. i wouldnt listen.. then vani told me.. "lock your cycle..lock your cycle".. but no... i still didnt.. the thing is .. I use to have an old cycle.. which i dont usually lock.. so kinda got use to it.. and i didnt think of locking my new ride either thinking no one would take... and boy was i soo wrong..

Anyways.. i WAS scared... what was I gonna tell my mom???? Im the one who begged her for a new cycle since the old one was giving me alot of problems.. and I had to get an expensive one too right..? aih...... i was angry.. and i was just soo dissapointed with myself.. i knew i had to tell my mum eventually.. but then as I was doing my bicycle hunting with roshani.. i was just praying in my heart.. and i was reminded of this video.. again its about having faith..

when my cycle went missing.. the 1st person i thought of telling was vani.. hehe.. and replied my message by sayin:" which crappy ass person would wanna steal hawt black rides?!" (vani's bike was black too) . Oh well.. her msg literally made me LMAO!

then when I came back to my room.. decided to calm myself down and pray.. pray with faith.. trusting God..
i said: " God.. my cycle is missing.. i know i have to tell my mom.. but before i do.. i pray Oh Lord for whoever has taken my bicycle to return to me.. perhaps they have taken mistakenly.. show them to return it.. perhaps they have stolen it.. place guilt and repentence in them that they would return it to me.. and i pray that I'll get it back by the end of the week. I surrender all to You. God.. please take over the whole situation. In Jesus name, Amen"
Here I was.. got up .. studied a little.. then got a call from my gang to have lunch.. something just prompt me to peek outside my house.. and so I did.. and guess what? My bicycle!!! it was there!!!! outside! in the porch!! I was shocked and speechless.. all that was going in my mind was.. "am i dreaming?? is this real???" . I looked at my black ride just like when I laid my eyes on her for the first time..touched her and caressed her ... almost had tears in my eyes.. my heart was just giving thanks to God..

So did someone steal? took it? or borowed it?? i dont know.. but God bless the soul who was willing to return it! =) =) =)!!!!

So yea.. here it is.. its a simple.. maybe funny.. cause i made a big deal out of my bicycle... but yet its still a testimony.. about faith .. just to remind or perhaps encourage you guys out there.. to pray with faith and trust. =)


  1. Amen!!..Love the testimony!!.. keep on the great faith!.. God bless..=))

  2. hehe... amen juan!! glad u loved it!! u too have faith my dear! ;)

  3. wakachebobochachacha:-)Lijiajujajajeje prom shabiebiebinbadabombadabam
